SmatchMe Privacy Notice (v1)

Privacy Notice for the Protection of Personal Data of SMATCHME SPORTS, SA DE CV, in relation to the use of the digital platform called SmatchMe (hereinafter, “SMATCHME”)


The purpose of this Notice is to protect your personal data, through its legitimate, controlled and informed treatment, in order to guarantee your privacy, as well as your right to informational self-determination.


SMATCHME informs you below of the terms in which the Personal Data it collects will be processed, therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the following information:


In terms of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the contribution you make of your Personal data to SMATCHME constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.




SMATCHME SPORTS, SA DE CV declares that it is a company legally constituted under Mexican laws and will be individually responsible for the Personal Data it collects and indicates as its address for all purposes and obligations related to this PRIVACY NOTICE the property located in San Ramón Nonato. 494; Camino Real Colony; Zapopan, Jalisco CP 45040.




For the purposes of this PRIVACY NOTICE, the terms indicated below will have the meanings indicated in this document, whether they are written in singular or plural:


1.1 “Personal Data”: In accordance with article 3, section V, of the Law, Personal Data is understood to be: Any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.


1.2 “ARCO Rights”: Right of the Owner of Personal Data when requesting from the Controller Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition regarding said data, in accordance with the provisions of the LFPDPPP and its Regulations.


1.3 “Dissociation”: The procedure by which the Personal Data cannot be associated with the Owner nor allow, due to its structure, content or degree of disaggregation, the identification of the Owner.


1.4 “Processor”: The natural or legal person who alone or jointly with other natural or legal persons processes Personal Data on behalf of and upon instruction of the Responsible, in accordance with the processes, terms and conditions indicated by the Responsible.


1.5 “LFPDPPP”: Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.


1.6 “Regulations”: Regulations of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.


1.7 “Responsible”: SMATCHME


1.8 “Owner”: The natural person to whom the Personal Data correspond.


1.9 “Transfer”: The communication of Personal Data within or outside the national territory, made to a person other than the Owner or the Controller.






To fulfill the purposes indicated in section 4 of this PRIVACY NOTICE, the Controller informs you that it will collect the following categories of Data:


(i) Information provided by the user (published content, messages sent, messages received, metadata, hashtags, apps or functions used, types of content viewed; among others);

  1. Personal Identification Data;
  2. Personal Contact Data;
  3. Sports and personal preferences and/or tastes;
  4. Personal psychological qualities and/or attributes;
  5. Sports performance measurement;
  6. Profile or status photographs uploaded by the user;
  7. Preferences and/or similar tastes to coincide with others;
  8. Challenges and searches carried out;
  9. Interaction with other users

(ii) Information generated when using our service

  1. Activity on SmatchMe Site and/or App
  2. Contingent on the user's prior permission, geolocation when using the SmatchMe Site and/or App
  3. Information about the devices used by the user to access SmatchMe.

(iii) Information provided by third parties about a variety of information from activities carried out on and off the SmatchMe Site and/or App.

  1. Other users when interacting with each other
  2. Social networks when sharing or uploading information
  3. Affiliates, of the SMATCHME family of products or services .
  4. Other partners.

Likewise, the following information will automatically be collected when you use our App and Website:

(i) the type of domain you use to connect to the Internet,

(ii) the assigned IP address;

(iii) your location/geolocation;

(iv) your login information;

(v) the date and time of access to the App and Website and other data related to the history;

(vi) location;

(vii) application programming interfaces (APIs);

(viii) the pages visited;

(xi) unique device identifiers;

(xii) the type of browser used;

(xiii) and the operating system and/or platform used;

(xiv) the search engine used and the keywords used to find both the Website and the App;

(xv) other similar identification data for communications with the Website and the App; and

(xvi) other similar identification data for communications with the Website and the App, as provided in this document.



SMATCHME , in accordance with the provisions of section I of article 16 of the Law, will be responsible for your personal information (Personal Data). SMATCHME will use the data for editorial and statistical purposes only, both to send you information regarding updates to the products and services offered by SMATCHME , as well as to send you invitations, promotions or general information about said products and services.


By participating in the subscription process to the digital platform called SmatchMe and operated by SMATCHME , it is authorized to use and process in an automated manner your personal data and information provided, which will form part of our database for the purpose of using them in including, but not limited to: identifying you, communicating with you, contacting you, sending you information, updating our database and obtaining statistics.

Some examples include:


(i) Manage the user account and provide our services

(ii) Help connect the user with other users

(iii) Recommend the user to other users so that they can get to know them

(iv) Show user profiles to other users

(v) Offer new SmatchMe services

(vi) Register and display user profile in new SMATCHME features

(vii) Manage advertising and marketing campaigns

(viii) Manage sweepstakes, contests, discounts and other offers

(ix) Develop and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on SMATCHME services and marketing campaigns promoting SmatchMe beyond its own services.

(x) Communicate with the user about products or services that may interest them.

(xi) Improve SMATCHME services and develop new services

(xii) Manage focus groups, market research and surveys

(xiii) Review interactions with customer service teams to improve SMATCHME service quality

(xiv) Understand how users typically use services to improve them

(xv) Develop new features and services

(xvi) Prevent, detect and combat fraud and other illegal or unauthorized activities

(xvii) Detect and address continued, suspected or suspected violations of our Terms and Conditions, especially through the review of complaints and interactions between users

(xviii) Guarantee compliance with the law.

(xix) Cooperate with authorities when required by law.

(xx) Provide relevant information related to health and sports.


The temporality of the handling of your Personal Data will be indefinite from the date on which they are provided to us by you.

In addition to the above, SMATCHME may transfer your personal information to a third party as part of the sale of some or all of its businesses and assets or as part of any business restructuring or reorganization, or if it is required to disclose or share your personal information to comply with a legal obligation. However, we will take all measures to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected.


SMATCHME , as responsible for the processing of your personal data, is obliged to comply with the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility protected in the Law; For this reason, based on articles 13 and 14 of the Law, SMATCHME undertakes to treat your information with confidentiality and administrative security standards.


In terms of what is established by article 22 of the Law, you have the right at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data.




If you require any changes, you must send an email to

In compliance with article 29 of the Law, said request must contain the following data:


  1. a) Your name and address or other means of communicating the response to your request; b) the documents that prove your identity or, where applicable, the legal representation of the person making the request on your behalf; c) the clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the rights mentioned in the previous paragraph, and d) any other element or document that facilitates the location of your personal data. If you request the rectification of personal data, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports your request.

The response to your request will be communicated to you within a period of twenty business days, counted from the date it was received, and may be extended to twenty more days in cases established by Law; so that, if appropriate, the measures adopted to comply with your request are carried out, which will be carried out within fifteen business days following the date on which the response is communicated.